I am moving an existing PHP/MySQL web application to a CentOS 6.8 Apache server. I can view phpinfo() in the browser just fine, but when I attempt to browse home.php, I see a whole page of gibberish like this:

Zend 2002062301111863910x� �2 �Y=oGH"P@�BH���8����թH�"�[�x���G�wt����*I

The new site was setup using WHM/cpanel, but I have root ssh access to modify config files. I'm guessing that there is an Apache module that needs to be enabled somewhere.

Can anyone suggest what I might try next? Thank you!

  • One possibility is that you are serving content compressed, but either the headers to tell the browser about the compression are not present or its compressed with a method the browser doesn't support.
    – Unbeliever
    Nov 25, 2016 at 10:23
  • Answer: As it turned out, we needed to install Zen Guard to decode the content. This solved the problem.
    – MikeZ
    Dec 4, 2016 at 14:37


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