Is there a way to automatically remove mail after it is read within dovecot either through a configuration or plugin?

I'm running the following two packages:

dovecot-core                     1:2.0.19-0ubuntu2     
dovecot-pop3d                    1:2.0.19-0ubuntu2  

If I can't remove it automatically, is there perhaps another way for moving read mail to another location automatically.


1 Answer 1


If you have dovecot v2, you are able to use doveadm utility that can do a lot of funny things with letters. Just add to the crontab the next command:

30 3 * * * root /path/to/the/doveadm expunge -A SEEN 2> /dev/null

and all the seen messages will be deleted at 03:30am every day. Redirection of stderr needed because doveadm shows brief report each time and cron will send it by email to the root.

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