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Adding an alias for a web app so it works via two context roots

I'm using Tomcat to host a few web apps. They are all running on their respective context roots. Let's call them: A: B: I have nothing running at / (ROOT)....
Chris Williams's user avatar
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IIS not redirecting page request as expected

I want to do something very simple on a Windows Server 2003 machine; have the web server serve a redirect instead of a particular page's content, whenever the user tries to navigate to that particular ...
Triynko's user avatar
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HaProxy redirect to internal URL

I have a configuration with two backend servers I need to redirect 301 to each server with an internal URL on HTTP. It's hard to use SSL because I can't install SSL on the Report Server in that ...
Dr.Fr05t's user avatar
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2 answers

301 redirect url based off of a category in the url

Does anyone know how to redirect a url that contains a parent category of a product? Basically I want to redirect a ton of products to a simple landing page that I created, so instead of making ...
nightcrew's user avatar
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error: rewrite or internal redirection cycle while internally redirecting to "/index.html"

I have a problem with nginx configuration. Everything worked fine in Docker, but I had to resign from Docker, and things started to happen. Actually I get an 500 internal server error when trying to ...
hc0re's user avatar
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-2 votes
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.htaccess file? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Mod_Rewrite Rules but Were Afraid to Ask? How to create .htaccess file for 301 permanent redirect. I am looking for exact code that we ...
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-7 votes
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Add frame window to all websites for users on network

I'm working for a small ISP and I'm trying to figure out how I can add a frame window to all websites that all users on our network see, so that we can promote faster speeds / notify users of downtime....
Timothy's user avatar
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