Questions tagged [md5]

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71 votes
20 answers

How to create an SHA-512 hashed password for shadow?

The previous SF questions I've seen have lead to answers that produce MD5 hashed password. Does anyone have a suggestion on to produce an SHA-512 hashed password? I'd prefer a one liner instead of a ...
Belmin Fernandez's user avatar
33 votes
10 answers

Calculate MD5 checksum of a directory

I'm looking for a quick way to compare directory contents. Is it possible to do an md5sum (or equivalent checksum) of an entire directory? Using Ubuntu Linux
pufferfish's user avatar
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22 votes
2 answers

Why are md5 passwords hashed differently?

I've been wondering for a while, why does running "echo 'helloworld' | openssl passwd -1 -stdin" yield different results every time?If I put any of the hashes in my /etc/shadow I can use them as my ...
Peter's user avatar
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18 votes
4 answers

Different md5sums for same tar contents

I run a test creating two tars from the same dir (its files remained unchanged), and I found that their md5sums were different. I assume there's some timestamp being included in the tar's header, but ...
xain's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Windows 2012 R2 - Search for Files using MD5 Hash?

My organization recently discovered malware that was sent to some users via email that managed to get past our email security in a sophisticated, targeted attack. The names of the files vary from user ...
Brandon Wetter's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

vsftpd will not accept passwords encrypted with MD5

I am setting up an server with vsftpd to let virtual users access their space. Now it is fully working but only with CRYPT passwords. So sudo htpasswd -c /etc/vsftpd/ftpd.passwd phpmyadmin will not ...
Marco's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Securing NTP: which method to use?

Can someone good at NTP configuration please share which method is the best/easiest to implement a secure, tamper-proof version of NTP? Here are some difficulties... I don't have the luxury of having ...
Harry's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Does AWS cli do a data integrity check on sync with s3? [closed]

I've been looking into using AWS cli for data integrity checks to verify a backup has been transferred from a Linux file server correctly to AWS s3. Likewise, I would like to verify when restoring a ...
Edward_178118's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

LDAP passwords encryption (userPassword attribute)

I'm trying to import passwords from an LDAP to a MySQL database. When I look at the userPassword attribute for the known password test I get this: userPassword:: ...
Max's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

Is it secure to encrypt my POST variables to md5 before sending them?

I have a simple login form where a user enters their username and password. When php receives the vars via POST, it encrypts the password to md5, then compares it with the database records. My ...
Mickwaffle's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

md5sum of large files gives different results sometimes

I have an AMD quad core, 8 gb RAM, 1 SSD EXT2 (2 months old), 2 HDD EXT4, approximately 1 year old. I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 x86-64 and when I compute the md5sum of large files (9 GB) sometimes I get ...
Emanuele's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Can "tar" backup incrementally?

I have my home folder with a few GB. Is it possible to run tar on it, create a home.tar.gz, and then for changed files, it creates home1.tar.gz only with modified files from previous tar (thus being ...
Somebody still uses you MS-DOS's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Different md5sum on 2 NFS clients

2 machines are mounting the same NFS folder(which is on a single 3rd machine). Files get uploaded from either client server to this mount, usually in chunks. Server A might handle a chunk, then ...
KdgDev's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Can I force the passwd command to use MD5 hash (and not crypt)?

How can I force the passwd command to use MD5 hash and not to use crypt? I need to get the passwd command to talk to the ldap server (which it does) and use MD5 when I change passwords for the users.
MyOnlyEye's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

changing shadow hash algorithm to bcrypt: how to rehash

I want to change my SHA512 shadow file to use bcrypt as shown in this question/answer: Enable blowfish-based hash support for crypt The problem is that i run into a chicken and egg problem, because ...
Fabian Zeindl's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

Is there any value in checking MD5 of files after they have been unzipped?

A project I am working on currently requires that the user runs an MD5 hash checking tool on the entire project, after it has been unzipped. They do not currently request that the ZIP itself is ...
Craig Mason's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Migrate user and passwords to new linux box

I am trying to migrate old Centos 4.3 box to Centos 7. I have followed the migration steps from an article published way long back on
Silkograph's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Check all debian binaries against the checksum of the original

I would like to check all binaries on my server against dpkg -e <path_to_deb_package> <destination> (for example rkhunter could do this check against the originals when doing probupdate)...
rubo77's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Software to brute force MD5 password on multi-core machine? [closed]

First off, I'm well aware that this is a controversial topic. I can give my word as a sysadmin that I have the best of intentions (depending on how you view the next paragraph) but I understand that ...
Jason Antman's user avatar
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1 answer

debsum and actual md5

I have discovered that debsum maybe does not work as i thought. I ran debsum -as And actually i did not see sshd binary in that list. However md5 of the /usr/sbin/sshd file and the numbers given ...
Radium's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

md5sum returns different results for a folder, but why?

/tmp/file.txt tar cvf 1.tar tmp md5sum 1.tar c32dc6f04ff02b371129dd4aa923cc12 rm 1.tar cd tmp touch test.txt rm test.txt cd .. tar cvf 1.tar tmp md5sum 1.tar f9204f04ff02b300130ee4aa234aa78 i dont ...
Michael's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Creating an MD5 file for a directory tree for only a given extension

I would like to create an MD5 file of a directory tree, containing only the bare names of the files. md5deep exactly does that, but it cannot filter for files when in recursive mode. md5deep -rb . &...
hyperknot's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How to generate a Linux Apache password file on a PC running Windows 7?

My development machine is Windows. I use the htpasswd program that is part of the Windows XAMPP package, version 1.7.7, to generate a Windows Apache password file. C:\xampp\apache\bin\htpasswd.exe -...
Ian's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

RPM --queryformat FILEMD5S checksum is different than md5sum of machine

The RPM man page says: The FILEMD5S Tag The FILEMD5S tag is used to display the MD5 checksum for each of the files that comprise the package. Array: Yes (Size: One entry per filemd5s) Used with ...
Tanmay Baranwal's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

MD5 hash comparison over SMB SLOW

I'm scripting a full backup solution in powershell on Windows server 2016 for Hyper-V VM's and have run into the issue that calculating the MD5 hash over the network on a mounted network drive across ...
Brad's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Password mismatch in dovecot with postafixadmin

After many hours trying to set up a new mail server, I just can't figure out why the passwords which postfixadmin store are a mismatch with what dovecot passes for authentication. In postfixadmin, ...
cortopy's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

How can I ensure non-corrupt file transfer in linux?

I have script scheduled with cron that transfers a file around to other machines using scp filename user@host:~ and today have noticed that sometimes the md5 of the files don't match. Upon closer ...
James's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

Puppet - MD5 sum of string

I would like to name a file based on a MD5 sum of certain characters. Such as $environment and $URL. So from a high-level what I'd want is something like md5("http://$environment/$url"). Does anyone ...
dartarrow's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Secure link depending only on directory name?

I am currently struggling to make nginx secure just folder name, dependlessly what the file name inside of it is. Let's say, I'm accessing a file in a folder /one/two/three, it would look like this: ...
Gallardo994's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Change password hashing algorithm for SuSE users from blowfish to MD5

I have a network of roughly 1000 SuSE machines with 20-200 users on each. The password hashing algorithm used is the default i.e. blowfish. In order to check, whether a user has used a dictionary word ...
Amit Kumar's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

HOw to know if files md5 chnaged by virus or system itself centos

I installed OSSSEC to very files have chnaged or not. But sometimes it is giving me false waring and integrity checksums like following files have chnaged. How can i makesure that files are chnaged ...
user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Ubuntu - Is there any programme for MD5 rainbowtables on Ubuntu?

I've been reading about Rainbow Tables recently. There's a few webpages that will do a reverse look up for an MD5 hash. Is there any programme on Ubuntu that lets me do this? Is there something in ...
Amandasaurus's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Two salts, One password [closed]

If I have two different MD5 password hashes with two different salts (the salts are known), is there any way to cryptographically deduce if the two passwords match? Other than brute force password ...
Jonas Bjork's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Moving a 13 gig file over sFTP (md5sum fails)

Each time I download a big file over sftp, the md5sum on the source machine doesn't match the md5sum I do on the destination machine. I have a 13gig file on an Ubuntu 12.04 machine with openssh-...
LonnieBest's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Prompt server for Etag or MD5

We are a price comparison portal and crawl certain websites on a regular basis. I am looking for a method to save bandwidth by avoiding downloading the same page over and over again if the content did ...
Radu M.'s user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

check MD5 checksums from md5 file in Windows

Hopefully a simple question, does a simple Windows command line equivalent to md5sum --check [files.md5] exist? Alternatively, something I can script as a batch file. I can generate the hashes file ...
16shells's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Linux md5 checksum issue

I have a directory in which thousands of directories are present. I need to get md5sum of only around 60 directories from this list of thousands of directories. How do I selectively run the md5 on a ...
Kushal Chaudhary's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

NGINX secure_link returning 403

I´m using the following serve block to serve some mp4 files using NGINX secure link. server { listen 80; listen [::]:80; root /var/www/cdn; index index.html index.php ...
Paul Mark's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Removing old files from home directories

I need to find and remove files older than 2 weeks from the home directories of my cluster. I do not want to let people just "touch" the file to change the modification date and keep it for ...
David's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Compute and update the md5 hash after the fact

So... I just realized that the utility I’ve been using to upload data to azure blobs has only been setting content-md5 hashes for the small files, leaving the larger (more important) files without a ...
Brian O'Connor's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

configuring MD5 bgp authentication on solaris 11 using quagga

I am attempting to configure a BGP router within a solaris zone, using dedicated network interfaces. Upstream provider insists on the use of MD5 authentication. I have no bgp sessions coming up. I ...
camelccc's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

MD5 for Git's git-credential-osxkeychain executable? [closed]

This question copied over from Super-User, where it was apparently unwelcome. Anyway, asked and answered: I'm setting up a GitHub account and have downloaded Git's git-credential-osxkeychain ...
QED's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

Understanding linux /etc/shadow file structure (Linux) [closed]

Consider the following line taken from /etc/shadow file: root:$1$NFEf74q.$bmukkxAq9dOMJINgEtP7u0:15258:0::::: From this I understand that the hashing algorithm is md5 ($1) and starting from third $ ...
astralmaster's user avatar