Questions tagged [patch-management]

Patch Management refers to updating and patching systems, and particularly to tools and systems which automate this process for a large number of systems.

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70 votes
6 answers

How can I query my system via command line to see if a KB patch is installed?

I'm looking to find out if a KB is installed via command line.
MathewC's user avatar
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60 votes
6 answers

The corporate benefits of using MSI files

What are the advantages of using .msi files over regular setup.exe files? I have the impression that deployment is easier on machines where users have few permissions, but not sure about the details....
Frode Lillerud's user avatar
37 votes
5 answers

Are VMware ESXi 5 patches cumulative?

This seems basic, but I'm confused about the patching strategy involved with manually updating standalone VMware ESXi hosts. The VMware vSphere blog attempts to explain this, but the actual process is ...
27 votes
4 answers

Will virtualizing a server mean another OS layer to patch and update, more work and greater risk?

I've done a search and have not found anything addressing issues regarding patching and system updates. I've got guidelines that say servers need to have necessary patches. If I have a VM host then ...
user127379's user avatar
25 votes
7 answers

Get rsync to generate a patch file instead of copying across files?

I'm copying lots of files that have changed from one server to another using rsync. I know I can use the -n option to do a dry run, so I can see what files have been changed. However is it possible to ...
Amandasaurus's user avatar
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20 votes
5 answers

Is it usually safe to run "apt-get upgrade" (in terms of stability) on a production server?

I often log into my Ubuntu 12.04.2 server (with Postgres 9.2.4 running with live production data) and see something akin to: 4 packages can be updated. 4 updates are security updates. This happens ...
orokusaki's user avatar
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19 votes
2 answers

Patch command not found [closed]

I tried to apply patch to my file with following command patch -p0 < foo.patch I got the following output bash: patch: command not found I have Centos 5.x server. Please guide what to do ...
Sukhjinder Singh's user avatar
15 votes
6 answers

is ksplice production ready?

I would be interested to hear the serverfault community's experiences with Ksplice in production. Quick blurb from wikipedia: Ksplice is a free and open source extension of the Linux kernel which ...
faultyserver's user avatar
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15 votes
7 answers

FLOSS Server management and audit tools

I've been working with HP's Server Automation tool suite for a long time, and while it's a great tool - it's too much for a small business or home network to use (more accurately: it's way too ...
warren's user avatar
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15 votes
5 answers

How can we remotely administer our "fleet" of Windows 7 laptops?

I'm working with a startup that's teaching kids to program. We've just obtained our first "fleet" of laptops - half a dozen refurbished thinkpads running Windows 7 - and I'm looking for the best way ...
Nick Johnson's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

How safe are Unattended Upgrades/Automatic Updates for Ubuntu

I'm in the process of trying to keep several ubuntu box's up to date and patched (10.4.2 LTS), one suggestion I've been getting is setting up unattended upgrades (
Pratik Amin's user avatar
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12 votes
5 answers

Apply multiple .patch files

I have a directory with .patch files, generated using diff. I would like to apply all those patches using patch -p1 to another directory. But patch takes only one file, unless I cat. What would the ...
styts's user avatar
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12 votes
10 answers

Firmware Best Practices and Update Schedules

Firmware receives very little attention when it comes to updates. Out of sight, out of mind. Many devices: RAID controllers, NICs, chipsets, and even hard drives, get some benefit from being updated....
Joseph Kern's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

What does the Windows XP EOL/EOS mean for a business and it's domain?

I am hoping someone can explain in simple terms, what it really means that windows XP will be end of life? It looks like SP2 is already not being patched, but maybe SP3 is going to be patched up ...
Scott Szretter's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

Centralized Windows/Mac Patch Management that is easy to use

I'm looking for advice on what patch management solutions you would recommend based upon your experience. I'm also looking for which ones you would not recommend based upon your experience. We have ...
IAmTimCorey's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

best way to install package from wheezy on squeeze

I want to use doxygen on my Debian Squeeze server, but I need the version from Debian Wheezy because this apparently contains the bugfix I need. It's not in backports -- check
artfulrobot's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

What time of day does Microsoft Release patches on "Patch Tuesday"

I've tried my servers and they don't see the patches that Microsoft has released. Usually Windows Update automatically installs them on Wednesday, so it must be something late in the day -- yet I can'...
Matt Rogish's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

Keeping track of changes to a System during Software/Patch Installation

Let's say I'm installing a software on Windows and I want to see all the changes it has made during its installation, what is the easiest way to keep track of system changes. The change could happen ...
BlueGene's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Is there a command that produces a diff of the permissions of target files?

Just as it sounds, I'm trying to find out if there is a (standard) command that will produce a diff of the permissions between two files and/or directory trees. Ideally it would put out a patch file ...
Catskul's user avatar
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8 votes
12 answers

What is a good patch/update management server?

Microsoft has WSUS which is great for the Microsoft products it supports (and it doesn't support all Microsoft products), but in reality companies have many applications from other vendors. Is there ...
Robert MacLean's user avatar
8 votes
5 answers

Suggestions for free/cheap asset/patch management software (Adobe, Java, etc)

I am using WSUS for Microsoft patching but would like something that will inventory and patch Adobe, Java, Firefox, Quicktime, etc. I have used Lumension in the past and it was OK but it is too ...
ThorinOak's user avatar
7 votes
7 answers

Different files of two directories

There are two directories I'd like to compare. I tried diff but it includes the changes inside the files. All I want is something like this file a is just in /A file b is missing in /A file c ...
Wienczny's user avatar
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7 votes
7 answers

How to Minimize Linux Server Reboots

Last week there were a fair few comments on a slashdot article about whether Unix (or Linux) machines ever need to be rebooted. More than a few of the commenters mentioned having machines with ...
Beerey's user avatar
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7 votes
6 answers

Windows Server 2008 Services won't start after patch

After installing the run of the mill patches today on a Windows Server 2008 (Running as an AD controller and Exchange 2007 Server) the machine came back up with "configuring updates stage 3 of 3 0% ...
Antitribu's user avatar
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7 votes
6 answers

How do you keep aprised of important software updates?

How do you keep track of major patches for windows systems such as Flash, Reader... etc as they are released?
Brett G's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Sane patch schedule for Windows 2003 cluster

We've got a cluster of 75 Win2k3 nodes at work in a coarse grained compute cluster. The cluster is behind a mountain of firewalls and resides in its own VLAN. Jobs of all sizes and types run on the ...
user7116's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Installing PHP 5.3 on Ubuntu server

Quite simply, what is the easiest and most stable way to replace an apt-get installed PHP 5.2 with the new PHP 5.3 on an Ubuntu 8.10 server?
Bart van Heukelom's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

IE8 vs Firefox 4 with regards to central management and updating

For an organization still using XP, and that plans to continue using XP for at least another year, do you think it would be better to switch to Firefox 4 or continue to use IE8? Is Firefox ...
Shawn's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Some Apache requests are slow, most complete instantly

I have two Dell R410 web servers (2x quad core Xeon E5520 w/ 8gb ram) running Debian 5 stable. Their patching had been neglected for a while, so recently we did a patching run to bring everything up ...
Alex Forbes's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Update RHEL Servers without Internet Connection

I plan to have a few servers installed with RHEL, but the servers will not have Internet connection. Is it possible to update RHEL servers without Internet connection? Can I download the updated ...
kjloh's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Easily patch Dell firmware without OS support?

On our HP servers, HP provides an image we can put on a USB key (or CD), boot from and patch the all the firmware in the system. On our Linux Dell servers there's a convenient yum repository we can ...
freiheit's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Find out unfixed exploits count based on application version

In our enviroment we are often required to run old outdated versions of different applications, and im wondering about the security implications on that. So im hoping there is a site that basicly ...
EKS's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Loaded Vs Unloaded Patch Panels

What is the difference between loaded and unloaded patch panels? Is it simply that loaded patch panels come with endpoint sockets and unloaded patch panels do not?
JacJ0's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Should I use the WSUS "deadline" feature on production servers?

I use WSUS to patch a number of Windows Server 2008 R2 x64. It usually works great, until today. Last week Microsoft shipped a critical patch KB2992611 to fix critical problems in the crypto ...
Andreas F's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Replicating patch level from one server to another without WSUS/patch management

The scenario is: Server1 and Server2, both running Windows Server 2012 R2 at the same patch level, are currently in a load-balancing cluster. Server1 has application issues and advice is to replace ...
Maximus Minimus's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How to Configure A Software Update Baseline in SCCM 2012

I have a remote site that has about 70 systems that have not been patched for the last 4 months due to the WSUS server going down and I am now just getting around to deploying SCCM 2012 there. Can ...
Sir Ask Alot's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

install package from debian backports pool

I want to upgrade my dovecote installation to version 2. I discovered the package here. I also already added deb squeeze-backports main to my sources.list. ...
soupdiver's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

How important is patch management? [duplicate]

Problem I'm trying to sell the idea of organizational patch/update management and antivirus management to my superiors. Thus far, my proposition has been met with two responses: We haven't had any ...
James Hill's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

What is the equivalent in FreeBSD 7.2 to yum/yast/apt-get?

I'm new to the FreeBSD release, but am very familiar with many Linux releases. I'm attempting to (1) keep my system updated, and (2) install new packages under FreeBSD 7.2. So is there an equivalent ...
mdpc's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

Patching AIX systems - patches are where? how to apply?

I'm not an AIX guru.....I've been assigned to patch my systems up to the latest patch level. First, where do I get the patches for AIX 5.1 and 5.3? Second, how are they generally installed (i.e. ...
mdpc's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Has March 2015 Patch Tuesday broken 2003 shares?

We have several Windows Server 2003 boxes, and over night, they had their automatic updates installed. This morning, users cannot access shares they were previously able to, and are prompted for ...
James Edmonds's user avatar
4 votes
6 answers

Site System Configuration Management -- what's there to help me?

I have just started a gig and have inherited a large collection of heterogeneous UNIX systems of the following flavors all running: hpux (11.11, 11.31), aix, mpras, sun solaris (sun 8 9 10), redhat (...
mdpc's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

How do I patch apache?

Ok, so I am using apache 2.2.17 on an Ubuntu (Natty Narwhal) box. I need to apply a patch (mod_proxy_connect-2.2.16.patch) which I downloaded from
user59067's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How to download and install wannacry patch for small business windows 2011 standard

I have a small business windows 2011 standard server. The auto update is not working somehow. I want to download the patch and install manually. I have a look at this:
kenpeter's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

Patch Management and System Inventory on a Windows network? [closed]

What are some good ways to have patch management and systems/hardware inventory for a Windows (Server 2003 or 2008) network? For example, at a minimum knowing the basics for all the machines out on ...
Scott Szretter's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Is there a diff/merge utility to compare binary files and synchronize data bit-by-bit in either direction based on differences in binary data?

I have a tricky dilemma. I've got some files on two different destination drives, copied from the same source drive. The source drive had been failing, so I used dd to copy over the data to one ...
purefusion's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Will IIS always be installed as fully patched?

When I install Internet Information Server on a Windows machine that is fully patched according to Windows Update, will it be installed as patched right from the start? I have always wondered if any ...
Tomalak's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

How do I determine the SP and Rollup version of an Exchange installation?

How do I determine the SP version number and Rollup version of an Exchange installation?
makerofthings7's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

How do you know when to patch your Ubuntu box?

I have a VPS hosted somewhere running Ubuntu 10.04. How do I know when to patch the system? Is there a notification system analogous to, for example, Mac OS or Windows warning me (through email) to ...
Mark 's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

Diff and patch for big binary files

As part of my job I regularly need to upload big files (a 512 MB to 1 GB ISO, for example). In some cases, very little changes from ISO to ISO (say, a 10 MB file in a 1 GB ISO). Unfortunately, I can't ...
ggambetta's user avatar
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