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2 votes
1 answer

MYSQL vs. InnoDB [closed]

mysqltuner output. -------- Storage Engine Statistics ----------------------------------------------------------------- [--] Status: +ARCHIVE +BLACKHOLE +CSV -FEDERATED +InnoDB +MEMORY +MRG_MYISAM +...
Nasir Mahmood 's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Intermittent KVM performance issues causing performance glitches

We are currently hosted on a hosting provider that allows us to set up multiple virtual machines using KVM, where each virtual machine runs on it's own physical box (ie: one hypervisor, one VM with ...
Kendall Bennett's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Buy new VPS just for Mysql or upgrade current one and keep the whole stack on the same server [duplicate]

This is not a question about capacity planning, its about mysql performance over local network vs on the same virtual machine (where it needs to share cpu with other processes) I have a wordpress+...
Nocte 1337's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Server response take time when same User open 2 same links

I am providing API service, My Site response is Fast, but when user open 2 same links at same time, then the server open the request and holds it from 20-50 seconds... Using WHM-Apache, mySQL. ...
asad app's user avatar
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1 answer

Mariadb 1000% CPU [closed]

I have a big problem with my site (Laravel based), I have from 1000 to 1500 contemporary visitors, and I have a problem with mariadb, practically when people use filters, and other options that ...
ZioBomba's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Server performance affected by MySQL memory consuption and CPU usage

Everyday during the peak time my server getting slow or down. Our hosting provider insisting us to upgrade the server but I think some performance tuning issue is there. Adding the process ...
Jyothish's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

MySQL extremely slow on very simple SELECT queries

We have a simple web application running on a virtual machine that saves its data in a MySQL 5.5 database with the InnoDB engine. Everything worked fine for around three years, but suddenly it became ...
tabb's user avatar
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1 answer

Is it better to store the MySQL database directory on a separate RAID 1 device?

We have a Linux server with a RAID 1 using two HDDs on which runs a Apache server managing multiple sites and some other services that interact intensively with the databases and produce massive ...
Victor Dodon's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Strange CPU spikes with MySQL

On my server (ubuntu 12.04) mysqld started to show some strange CPU spikes. I've logged some of it as a sample: The value after the triple dash '---' is the cpu usage (...
Philippo's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Got more RAM, site slower [closed]

I was running my site on 256MB of ram with 2 cores and it was running ok, but I decided to upgrade to 1GB and 4 cores but now my site is slow.. I mean it takes more then 22 seconds to load 1 page.... ...
user221147's user avatar
4 votes
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MySQL high CPU usage on small website

I have a small website hosted on a dedicated server (FreeBSD 9.2, MySQL 5.6.1 and php 5.5.5). The problem is that MySQL eats a lot of cpu resources even if the website have a few visitors. The ...
Ivan's user avatar
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2 answers

Apache Configuration not use server capabilities [closed]

I have a web server with 16 GB of RAM. The server has a good traffic and have pics of 300 simultaneous requests. Unfortunately when these peaks arrive queries fall into error or are very very slow. ...
user3226992's user avatar
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current my.cnf configuration

Hello serverfault community, I have a medium sized VPS on which I run 2 Magento installations, a few static pages as well as several WordPress / Joomla installation - all personal websites and ...
Mark's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Improving Database Performance [closed]

I've heard that you can do something like the following in my.cnf to get better performance: tmpdir = /dev/shm I'm running MariaDB and wondering is this a good idea? All it does it create the ...
Tiffany Walker's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What conditions trigger a table level lock

Working on some vBulletin performance issues, I ran into this situation, where everything is stuck waiting on a table-level lock: Id Command Time State Info 83 Query 47 ...
tylerl's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

What Linux command do I type to see my MySQL server load in real time?

What Linux command can I type where I can watch MySQL server load in real time? BACKGROUND: I can type 'top' and watch overall server load (just look at inverse of Idle % and consider it over a ...
ServerChecker's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

MySQL Tweaking for performance

[mysqld] myisam_repair_threads=4 key_buffer = 64M myisam_sort_buffer_size = 32M join_buffer_size = 2M read_buffer_size = 2M sort_buffer_size = 2M read_rnd_buffer_size = 2M table_cache = 1024 ...
Mike Janson's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

linux virtual server with io issues - deadline vs noop elevator

I have a Linux virtual server experiencing IO issues from MySQL. Would using the deadline io elevator possibly be preferable to noop in this case? Thanks
iwander's user avatar
1 vote
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MySQL on Linux out of memory

OS: Redhat Enterprise Linux Server Release 5.3 (Tikanga) Architecture: Intel Xeon 64Bit MySQL Server 5.5.20 Enterprise Server advanced edition. Application: Liferay. My database size is 200MB. RAM is ...
Sunrays's user avatar
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3 votes
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How to investigate peak in MySQL throughput?

Recently one of our servers has ran out of memory and crashed. After reviewing the munin graphs, it appears that the only metric (other than memory usage) that peaked just before the crash was the ...
Max's user avatar
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SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 2006 MySQL server has gone away

Server details: RAM: 16GB HDD: 1000GB OS: Linux 2.6.32-220.7.1.el6.x86_64 Processor: 6 Core Please see the link below for my # top preview: I can often see the error mentioned in title in my plesk ...
Barkat Ullah's user avatar
17 votes
6 answers

IO Wait causing so much slowdown (EXT4 JDB2 at 99% IO ) During Mysql Commit

I am writing an indexer, using python, which indexes documents and insert them into Database, Before it was single process but now i made it to multiprocessing with 4 parallel processes running.After ...
Phyo Arkar Lwin's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Tuning MySQL and Linux to reduce maximum response time specifically

We have a MySQL-based application that is very response time sensitive. A MySQL stored procedure needs to respond on average in less than 10 milliseconds and the maximum acceptable response time is 50 ...
Ben Williams's user avatar
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1 answer

Mysql hangs up the server. How to avoid this?

Sometimes my website 'goes down' due to Mysql consuming all the resources, but I think it does not stop creating more httpd processes. Is that possible? If I restart apache, these processes disappear ...
HappyDeveloper's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Finding an optimal balance of I/O, CPU, and RAM for MySQL

For a long time I’ve wanted to know how MySQL scales as you add more memory to the server.We looked for a balance between utilizing the hardware as much as possible, limiting the system complexity, ...
Jayakrishnan T's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Linux: CPU usage artificially capped somehow?

This is the CPU usage graph of a server: It seems that the CPU usage reached a hard limit at 24. This is a 32-core server so it should be able to go beyond 24 with ease. But that's not the case. Is ...
Continuation's user avatar
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4 answers

MySQL server CPU usage shot up for no apparent reason. Any idea why?

I have a server dedicated to MySQL. In the middle of the night its CPU usage just shot up for no apparent reason. Here're the graphs: As you can see CPU usage just shot up at Fri 3:30am. Most of the ...
Continuation's user avatar
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4 answers

how optimize small linux server?

I have a small Ubuntu server with 512MB of ram and several php/mysql websites (~20) running on it.It's been running for 2 years now without a single issue. But I think the moment for some optimization ...
user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

best linux distro for mysql dedicated server

i am installing a machine in production for a client of mine. they insist on a linux os with mysql. can some one recommend which is the best linux distro for a mysql dedicated server machine a link ...
aviv's user avatar
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Looking for a bottleneck in MySQL server

I have two Ubuntu servers with very similar, if not identical, configuration: both have 16 cores (4 E5540 Xeons), 16GB RAM, HP Smart Array P212 controllers with 2 HDDs in RAID1. I/O scheduler used is ...
minaev's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

MySQL & tmpfs : performance

I was wondering if, and how much, using tmpfs could improve MySQL performance and how it should be done ? My guess would be to do mount -t tmpfs -o size=256M /path/to/mysql/data/DatabaseName, and to ...
Serty Oan's user avatar
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1 answer

MySQL Locking Up

I've got a innodb table that gets a lot of reads and almost no writes (like, 1 write for every 400,000 reads approx). I'm running into a pretty big problem though when I do INSERT into the table. ...
Ian's user avatar
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