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MariaDB I/O Limit

I have a server with MariaDB 10.6. The mysqld process uses 100% of DSK with very high I/O. I tried to set these values but it didn't have any affect: innodb_io_capacity = 100 innodb_io_capacity_max = ...
Maor Bari's user avatar
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3 answers

Fastest possible configuration for a local MySQL database, no security needed?

We have a local Optiplex PC setup to run our shared MySQL MariaDB database with no way to access it from the outside world. It doesn't have any critical data that needs to be protected. Basically, no ...
Ben's user avatar
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MySQL (MariaDB) is running at 100% CPU utilization after adding an index

I attempted to add an index to a date field in a table (MyISAM) having about 4,000 rows, using PHPMyAdmin. PHPMyadmin froze, finally timed out. Now, even after rebooting the server, the MySQL (...
Ryan Griggs's user avatar
2 votes
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Mariadb 1000% CPU [closed]

I have a big problem with my site (Laravel based), I have from 1000 to 1500 contemporary visitors, and I have a problem with mariadb, practically when people use filters, and other options that ...
ZioBomba's user avatar
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What is a "normal" latency/performance of inserts on mariadb or mysql?

Hadn't used MySQL family for years. Now need to move from OracleDB to either MariaDB or PostgreSQL. So on a similar "hardware" (Openstack VM: RHEL 7.3, 4HT cores of 2.5GHz Xeon E312xx, "local" SAN &...
Vlad's user avatar
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Improving Database Performance [closed]

I've heard that you can do something like the following in my.cnf to get better performance: tmpdir = /dev/shm I'm running MariaDB and wondering is this a good idea? All it does it create the ...
Tiffany Walker's user avatar