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2 answers

MyISAM Throughput spike at 12000 record insert

I am testing database performance with bulk record inserts. Both systems are identical apart from storage engine **Database 1000 4000 12000** MySQL_InnoDB 60.95330976 218....
johnnydrama's user avatar
2 votes
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What conditions trigger a table level lock

Working on some vBulletin performance issues, I ran into this situation, where everything is stuck waiting on a table-level lock: Id Command Time State Info 83 Query 47 ...
tylerl's user avatar
  • 15.1k
15 votes
3 answers

MySQL Replication Performance

I'm having a serious issue with MySQL 5.5 replication performance between two machines, mostly myISAM tables with statement based replication. The binary logs and mysql data directory are both located ...
Nick's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Best my.cnf configuration for a 8GB MySQL server with MyISAM use only

I am preparing a large Drupal 6.x based installation and have setup a dedicated MySQL server with 8GB of RAM. Drupal 6.x uses only MyISAM engine and there will be around 500 concurrent users using the ...
Mohammad Emran's user avatar
1 vote
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Can I change a MySQL table back and forth between InnoDB and MyISAM without any problems?

I have a site with a decently big database, 3Gb in size, a couple of tables with a dozen million records. It's currently 100% on MyISAM, and I have the feeling that the server is going slower than it ...
Daniel Magliola's user avatar
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Join performance on MyISAM and InnoDB tables

I am thinking about converting some tables from MyISAM to InnoDB in my mysql server. The tables will certainly benefit from the change because a lot of write requests come to these tables, while there ...
j0nes's user avatar
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How to use most of memory available on MySQL

I've got a MySQL server which has both InnoDB and MyISAM tables. InnoDB tablespace is quite small under 4 GB. MyISAM is big ~250 GB in total of which 50 GB is for indexes. Our server has 32 GB of RAM ...
Zilvinas's user avatar
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2 answers

Will deleting old MySQL data improve performance?

Would deleting old data from my tables improve MySQL query performance? When my queries use indexes? When my queries don't use indexes? When I use InnoDB? When I use MyISAM?
swxxii's user avatar
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