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FreeBSD is an advanced operating system for a variety of architectures. It is derived from BSD, the version of UNIX® developed at the University of California, Berkeley; and is developed and maintained by a large team of individuals. It is a complete Operating System, including the kernel, drivers, and userland utilities such as shells.

13 votes

How do you manage and deploy FreeBSD's ports in a large environment?

All of this is based on my experience managing various-sized FreeBSD environments (ranging from 1-2 machines to over 100). …
voretaq7's user avatar
  • 80k
6 votes

Unable to update using "freebsd-update" on FreeBSD 7.4-RELEASE

If you refer to the FreeBSD Security Team's main page you will see that FreeBSD 7.x is no longer a "supported release", and reached end of life in February of 2013. … Therefore there is no way to update this system using freebsd-update and the FreeBSD project's official servers. Your options: Upgrade to a supported release of FreeBSD. …
voretaq7's user avatar
  • 80k
6 votes

Upgrading old FreeBSD system

The upgrade method with the lowest risk is to build a new machine, copy your data over, test, and cut over when you're sure it works. The next lowest risk is to do the same thing using virtual machin …
voretaq7's user avatar
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4 votes

FreeBSD - unexpected soft update inconsistency

As the next three words of the error message imply, the right thing to do is run fsck manually (which you're doing). fsck (usually run with -y so you don't have to manually say yes to all the prompts …
voretaq7's user avatar
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4 votes

Uninstall last n of ports/packages

Next time run make all-depends-list before you start building the port. If you don't like what you see on the list don't go any further. This and other gems can be found in /usr/ports/Mk/ …
voretaq7's user avatar
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3 votes

How do I non-interactively update FreeBSD system (and ports)?

Blindly installing updates (even freebsd-update updates) can be a Bad Thing: One option in rc.conf changes, and suddenly your machine has no SSH daemon anymore. …
voretaq7's user avatar
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2 votes

What is the best way to convert a block number to a file name in FreeBSD?

More details can be found in this mailing list post to freebsd-questions …
voretaq7's user avatar
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2 votes

How to suppress compilation output when using ports in FreeBSD?

Simply send the output somewhere other than your terminal. If you're using Bourne-family shells: # make config # make install >/dev/null 2>&1 If you're using a C-shell variant: # make config # ma …
voretaq7's user avatar
  • 80k
1 vote

Update FreeBSD ports to specific version/time

As Craig pointed out the officially-blessed way to deal with this is to use one machine to build "official" packages that you distribute to other hosts in your environment. This was discussed in anoth …
1 vote

What SATA drive should I install FreeBSD onto? i.e. ar0 vs da0 vs ad4/5

It's hard to say without knowing the system configuration (controller type, etc.) but you probably want to install onto the arN device -- see (Ha …
voretaq7's user avatar
  • 80k
0 votes

FREEBSD creating new port

A port for one shell script is beyond overkill -- As Dennis said this is something I would copy to individual machines as needed (or create a package manually, but this is a pain). I'm also not sure …
voretaq7's user avatar
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11 votes

FreeBSD server - certified compatible hardware?

Pretty much any piece of server hardware will work fine with FreeBSD - I've used Dell hardware with no problem, as well as several SuperMicro variants (IronSystems is the one I deal with most frequently … substantial supporters of the FreeBSD Foundation so they're invested (in both the monetary and moral sense) in the success of the FreeBSD operating system. …
voretaq7's user avatar
  • 80k
7 votes

How can I quickly install FreeBSD ports?

If you're new to FreeBSD and have no need to customize options this is probably the choice for you. It saves you both the configuration step and the compile time. … Refer to the FreeBSD Handbook for more information on using packages. …
voretaq7's user avatar
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7 votes

Check ChangeLog of FreeBSD port before upgrading

No upgrades are "mandatory" -- If the port version you're using works, no dependencies require the newer version, and there are no security holes you don't need to upgrade anything. If you're asking …
voretaq7's user avatar
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6 votes

FreeBSD 8.2, deleted /bin/sh, can't boot

OK, First the lecture: DON'T MESS WITH SYSTEM BINARIES Anything in /bin, /sbin and /rescue on FreeBSD should be left alone. … Option 2: Less painful, no LiveCD If you have another FreeBSD box around you can mooch off of (or some other way to get your fingers on a copy of /bin/sh, bring your FreeBSD machine up in single user mode …
voretaq7's user avatar
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