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FreeBSD is an advanced operating system for a variety of architectures. It is derived from BSD, the version of UNIX® developed at the University of California, Berkeley; and is developed and maintained by a large team of individuals. It is a complete Operating System, including the kernel, drivers, and userland utilities such as shells.

3 votes

Clone ports from bsd installation to another

This is from the EXAMPLES section of the portmaster man page: First, get a list of installed ports: portmaster --list-origins > installed-port-list On your target system, use that list as input to …
larsks's user avatar
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3 votes

How to download a single port on FreeBSD?

For example, to install bash: pkg_add -r bash As with many things FreeBSD, this is documented in the FreeBSD handbook, specifically in the section titled Using the Packages System. … This is worth a read, especially if you're running a -release version of FreeBSD. …
larsks's user avatar
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1 vote

FreeBSD vs Linux performance?

The best way to answer question is to load Linux, run some performance tests, and then load FreeBSD and run the same suite of tests. … However, I am wondering what are the pros and cons of Using FreeBSD instead of Ubuntu or other Linux flavors? You're not really going to get a good answer to this question. …
larsks's user avatar
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4 votes

Is there a tool for managing FreeBSD jails that knows about ZFS?

After poking around a little bit, it turns out that recent version of ezjail already have this support. The key parts are the following configuration options in /usr/local/etc/ezjail.conf: ezjail_us …
larsks's user avatar
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2 votes

"No space left on device" with FreeBSD

It sounds like (a) your root filesystem is full, and (b) non-root users have home directories on a different filesystem. What does df -h show? The output will look something like this: $ df -h File …
larsks's user avatar
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2 votes

Should pam_mkhomedir go in /etc/pam.d/login , sshd or system-auth?

It seems like you have correctly stated the two options. You can put any given PAM module in a service-specific configuration (like /etc/pam.d/sshd) or in a common location where it will be used by m …
larsks's user avatar
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26 votes

I am going to chop the FreeBSD automounter into little pieces and boil them in oil

Why, hello there Lars! That's a fascinating question you've asked, and after some research I may have found an answer for you. According to this and other posts out there, it may be possible to set t …
larsks's user avatar
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5 votes

Will Debian (GNU/kFreeBSD) + official ZFS support be a stable configuration?

The current ZFS implementation in FreeBSD stable (8.1) trails the OpenSolaris version by quite a big chunk. …
larsks's user avatar
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6 votes

Booting FreeBSD from whole-disk ZFS pool?

code like this: gpart bootcode -b /boot/pmbr -p /boot/gptzfsboot -i 1 ad0 And set the appropriate bootfs property on my ZFS pool: zpool set bootfs=pool0/sys/freebsd pool0 Where pool0/sys/freebsd … is my FreeBSD root filesystem (and contains, among other things, the /boot directory). …
larsks's user avatar
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3 votes

Can I automatically create a passworded user with pw adduser on freebsd?

Here's an example using a file descriptor: echo password | pw useradd -h 0 user1 Every Unix process typically has three standard file descriptors: stdin (0) stdout (1) stderr (2) In this case, …
larsks's user avatar
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1 vote


And...mysteriously it's started working. For the record, here is what seems to be a repeatable process: Install security/cyrus-sasl2. Install net/openldap24-server. Make sure to enable SASL suppo …
larsks's user avatar
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