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This tag should be used for questions about Intel based server platforms, software and others related specifically to hardware and software from the Intel Corporation.

1 vote

Quad Processor Intel Server

Obviously everyone else has discussed how your customer has probably made some odd assumptions but if they insist on a 4 socket Intel server then they'll be out of luck with current processors as the fastest …
Chopper3's user avatar
  • 101k
5 votes

How does intel RAID Keys work on intel server motherboard and how do we set up hardware RAID?

Firstly why not just run the whole 12 disks as a RAID 10 array, it's a far better idea than lots of RAID 1 arrays. That said the systemboard won't let you do that (4 disks on one controller, 8 on the …
Chopper3's user avatar
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2 votes

Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-2690 vs Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-2690v2

I can only talk about that generational jump on HPE and Cisco servers, both of which required a firmware upgrade be carried out with a v1 CPU in at least one socket before it could then be upgraded to …
Chopper3's user avatar
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5 votes

Two Dual Core vs. One Quad Core

Sorry for the delay spotting this question. There is a huge difference in performance between a dual-processor, dual-core setup and a single-processor, quad-core setup - the latter will be much quicke …
Chopper3's user avatar
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2 votes

Performance difference between E5405 and X3460

There was a huge overall leap in power between the 54xx series and 55xx models, both in terms of compute and memory/IO speed. I'd strongly recommend the newer chip.
Chopper3's user avatar
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2 votes

Can I replace one Intel Xeon e5-2603v3 with dual E5-2690v4 on HPE server?

The E5-2690v4 isn't supported in that server at all, probably due to the TDP, but the 2660v4 is supported and is probably the closest to the 2690v4 that will work. You MAY be able to get away with tha …
Chopper3's user avatar
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2 votes

Does the data size of an SSD chip have compatibility issues with certain boards?

Will the NUC have a hard time doing read/writes with that much storage? No, there are limits to disk size for all interfaces but the SATA and NVMe options you have in your NUC won't be remotely trou …
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1 vote

Intel server board boot menu

I imagine the downvotes are because, as it states in our help page, that we expect those asking questions to have made some attempt at fixing their own problem before asking on here, you haven't even …
Chopper3's user avatar
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1 vote

Does intel matrix raid 1 setup require raid enabled hard drives

There's no such things as a 'raid enabled hard drive' - does that answer your question?
Chopper3's user avatar
  • 101k
1 vote

Intel Xeon E5-2630L Vs E-2124

6*2.4=14.4 4*3.3=13.2 So normally you'd recommend the 2630 right, except it's ooooold and the 2124 will not only have IPC improvements but it's also not exposed to meltdown foreshadow exploits.
Chopper3's user avatar
  • 101k
1 vote

Workstation Specification Check

You're right that this isn't really what we do but it's an easy one so let's go for it! Are the CPUs compatible with the Motherboard? Yes. Will the CPU Coolers fit the Motherboard? Yes, th …
Chopper3's user avatar
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0 votes

Intel Team TCP Offloading not Working

You're out of luck dude; "TOE (TCP Offload Engine) enabled devices cannot be added to a team and will not appear in the list of available adapters." I do understand why not though to be honest, it's …
Chopper3's user avatar
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3 votes

How does I/O performance on Intel E5 procs change with and without QPI

The E5-2407 has a single 6.4GT/s QPI connection good for 204.8 Gbit/s. The E5-1410 has a single DMI 2.0 connection good for only 20 Gbit/s. If you care about IO you NEED the 2407 ok.
Chopper3's user avatar
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2 votes

Virtualization speed king: intel xeon westmere 5620 vs AMD Magnycour 6134

NB: - It's worth you knowing that I'm a known Intel advocate but I'm more than happy to recommend AMD here. …
Chopper3's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I upgrade my processor from X3065 to X3220?

It will physically fit yes, they're both LGA775 chips but the 3220 has a TDP of nearly twice that of the 3065, you may have heat management issues that would affect the life of your server.
Chopper3's user avatar
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