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Pipe multiple files into one tar gz

I'd like to call mysqldump to create multiple backup files and then archive them in one tar.gz. I am following this tutorial on mysqldump part:
David162795's user avatar
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s3cmd: on-the-fly backup

To do backups I created a script that makes an archive of all the folders I need to backup, sends it to S3 (through s3cmd) and then deletes it after upload has been completed. I'm looking for a way ...
MultiformeIngegno's user avatar
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2 answers

Segmenting mysql backups using tar

In addition to using mysqldump, I've been backing up my mysql server by tarring up /var/lib/mysql for redundancy and convenience. This directory includes ibdata, ib_logfile0, and ib_logfile1 as well ...
user1389890's user avatar
4 votes
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Ran out of disk space, how to tar without creating copy

I am at 98% of an 8GB SSD, and I have a 3 GB mysql data that I need to gzip and or tar and then download it, so then I can delete it. How can I tar or gzip the sql (or the mysql tables) so that that ...
ParoX's user avatar
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3 answers

MySQL Upgrade RPM

I have a centos5.5 system and have MySQL 5.0.27 install. Now I want to upgrade this to MySQL 5.5.28(Latest). I have two questions, What is the difference between RPM(Redhat) which is recommended and ...
Manish Mudgal's user avatar
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1 answer

Installing multiple mysql as rpm vs tarball

Which is the suitable way to install multiple mysql servers without affecting the current installation in fedora( rpm or tarball)?
Haseena's user avatar
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MySQL needed to download in order to compile from source?

I have Slackware 13.1 and due to some bugs on the current version of the MySQL it comes with, I have to upgrade it. Since Slackware does not have 5.5 and I am upgrading I have decided to go with 5.5.x....
Guapo's user avatar
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6 votes
7 answers

running tar completely locks up mysql

I am having a seriously weird issue. If I tar some random directory with many files or a single large file tar -pcvf files.tar /var/log, mysql gets completely locked up and all mysql connections get ...
Paxxil's user avatar
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2 answers

How to recover a server from a tar file

In moodle the LMS you can export courses, as a tar.gz, some one said they were going to give me such a thing. I was suprised by the 6 gb size. I was even more suprised when I extracted it, and found ...
Mitch's user avatar
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100 votes
9 answers

mysqldump to a tar.gz

Usually after dumping a MySQL database with mysqldump command I immediately tar/gzip the resultant file. I'm looking for a way to do this in one command: So from this: mysqldump dbname -u root -p &...
pygorex1's user avatar
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