Timeline for How to save systemd enable state

Current License: CC BY-SA 4.0

5 events
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Jun 5 at 15:00 vote accept ericx
Jun 2 at 20:01 answer added anx timeline score: 3
Jun 2 at 19:56 answer added Andreas Piening timeline score: 2
Jun 2 at 19:50 comment added anx You may not actually want to save the state of units not explicitly enabled/disabled. Distribution maintainers do not specifically avoid breaking such use case in the way they design their post-upgrade scripts. If you have mismatching downstream distributions updates (or worse, systemd upstream releases), one of the systems might have enablement state inappropriate for the other as a result on ongoing version migrations.
Jun 2 at 18:32 history asked ericx CC BY-SA 4.0