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How can I restrict login to Azure LINUX VM using AAD integration

I have an Azure Linux Virtual Machine with "Login with Azure AD" option enabled. But I am still able to log into with admin account using password. Or I can just create another user by using ...
Kagamashi's user avatar
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Virtual machine static ip doesnt work

I have created vps private Ubuntu server on virtual machine. Then I have deploy my app on it with static ip Everything is working, when I open it on my local machine, but when I try ...
Gor Barseghyan's user avatar
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Trigger a Ansible-Playbook when i create a VM in Netbox

Is it possible when i create a Virtual Machine in Netbox that can trigger an Ansible-Playbok what add stuff? for example Create the VM in CheckMK with the details whats written in Netbox. Thanks ...
Marvin Fratzke's user avatar
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How to Root volume partition without losing the data

We have this scenario : I to increase the disk space of one of our VM, Disk details : root@Test-01:~# blkid /dev/vda2: UUID="0eae0eb4-92ed-45ec-aa99-6d606f17e70a" TYPE="swap" ...
sam23's user avatar
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VS Code Remote Development giving back error

I'm trying to connect my Vs code using SSH extension to my Debian VM on azure. I tried running the SSH connection on terminal and it's working fine ssh -i Desktop/Emdad/testing/magento-testing-key.pem ...
Adnane Rbt's user avatar
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Memory and CPU requirements for Samba server on a virtual linux machine [duplicate]

I want to set up a samba server on a VM in a cloud, for up to 50 clients. What size of VM would I need in terms of RAM, CPU and disk space? The OS would either be CentOS or Ubuntu. This is not a ...
Michael's user avatar
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6 votes
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Does installing NTP mean I'm installing an NTP server?

Reading this: What are the limits of running NTP servers in virtual machines? (2010) And this: I'm not sure what exactly I'm installing. Especially if I'...
KoenDG's user avatar
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multipass list failed: failed to determine IP address

When I run multipass list I am getting: list failed: failed to determine IP address. sudo journalctl -u snap.lxd.daemon -n 300 lxd.daemon[3050]: time="2023-04-02T17:03:10-03:00" level=...
Raul Cejas's user avatar
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multipass no running after restart service

multipass is not running: abr 02 21:44:21 raul-MAX-L5 dnsmasq[7213]: failed to create listening socket for Address already in use abr 02 21:44:21 raul-MAX-L5 dnsmasq[7213]: FAILED to ...
Raul Cejas's user avatar
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multipass moving data directory fail

I am following: and to move MULTIPASS_STORAGE to another location, but I am not lucky. I ...
Raul Cejas's user avatar
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A networked filesystem spontaneously mounted on my VPS and I'm not sure what, why or how

This VPS was more or less idle during the days when this happened. The host (Scaleway) did not perform any maintenance or upgrades during this time, nor did I interact with the VPS directly or through ...
Speed Dial Dave's user avatar
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How to create a shared Disk with the image stored on Host in KVM?

I am currently trying to setup a disk, using the raw img format on the host, which is then shared between multiple guest VMs (which are running Alpine Linux), using the libvirt / KVM virtualization ...
Apoorv Pal's user avatar
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How to convert virtual machine images to bootable OS installation?

I have a virtual machine installed in QEMU. I want to migrate this machine and use it as base machine. Query I have is that it is possible, and if yes will simple converting .img to .iso and burning ...
Ayush Gupta's user avatar
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How to connect to VM from another computer in the local network

I have a host system (running Debian 11) where I installed a virtual machine (Ubuntu 22.04) using KVM. I can ssh between host and VM using their IPs ( and I also can ssh ...
Matias Irazoqui's user avatar
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How To install ChromeOS Flex on AWS

How To install ChromeOS Flex Install AWS ec2, I go through this link but did not get so much help related to AWS Using CloudReady-Home-v83-x64.ova in my VMware Workstation Player, it works fine, but I ...
sam23's user avatar
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How to restore a VM from disk image qcow2

I had a problem with my server and my VPS provider only wanted to give me a backup of the VM disk in qcow2 format, he told me that I should virtualize and mount that and then get my data and take ...
Alberto Vargas's user avatar
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Server File Download

I am running a Ubuntu virtual machine on Azure and on my landing page I wish to allow downloading a file I already uploaded to the server. For this reason I made a hyperlink in my index.html file ...
aitía's user avatar
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Debian 11 no longer automatically receiving static DHCP IP address, dhclient must be started manually

I am hosting a Debian 11 (no desktop environment) virtual machine on Windows Server 2012 with Hyper-V. This is on a company network with its own DHCP system and the MAC address of the VM is registered ...
ccj9874's user avatar
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Access to VM using KVM bridged network interface inside company network not working outside of room LAN

I work at an institute so as you can imagine we have the typical proxy, AD, DNS and so on in place. My group is looking into transitioning to Linux for our servers (containing several GPUs for various ...
rbaleksandar's user avatar
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How to allow outbound connections only for updates

I have a network with a number of VMs hosting applications mainly for internal use, but they are also exposed to the internet via Traefik. Because there is a chance one of them will be hacked ...
Alex's user avatar
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One IP in subnet not reachable from outside, but others work fine

We had virtual host crash the other day, which caused a few VMs to reset and come back online. One of them, after coming back up, is not reachable on the network from outside the subnet it lives on. ...
thatleviathan's user avatar
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Is there an easy way to expand a Linux VMs disk?

Im currently planning a cloud solution. The cloud is supposed to run on Linux VMs via vSphere. Right now, every time I want to increase the virtual disk space of an already set up Linux VM, it’s a ...
Halsi's user avatar
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Google Cloud Virtual Machine SSH Terminal Could not connect

I have a machine installed in Google Cloud VM, I was making the SSH connection here without any problems, but when I wanted to log out and connect again, I started to get no results here. I stay on ...
Ahmet Buğra BUĞA's user avatar
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Alma Linux - Not able to ping out

So I have my first VM in Proxmox and I know the network works as I have used CT in the past without any issues, however I have set up a VM and now I am having network issues. Seems while it says the ...
Russell Harrower's user avatar
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How to give each WSL distro a distinct IP address?

How to give each WSL distro a distinct IP address, and then connect to those IP addresses via Windows? I was curious if its possible to setup two different ubuntu distributions using WSL and somehow ...
pico's user avatar
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Why do you need serial port connection between QEMU guest and host?

I am new to qemu. I was exploring some commands to setup qemu VM. Can someone please explain why serial ports are required/desired between guest and the host? Also, what does '-serial pty' and -'...
Divija Gogineni's user avatar
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UDP port forwarding between virtual machines and docker composed network

currently I'm deploying a virtualized system and having a problem with forwarding of an udp port. I tried many tutorials, but something must be wrong and I don't know why the connection is refused all ...
WPFGermany's user avatar
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VM in Read-Only - no commands executed

A Ubuntu 18.04 LTS server VM has entered Read-Only Mode, to the point that basic commands such as ls are not executed anymore, and return the error message -bash: /usr/bin/ls: Input/output error, ...
PalomaLVP's user avatar
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Allow users in chroot to SSH to another VM instance

Been coming across some issues with setting up SSH from a chroot directory out to a secondary VM. This is all being done in Google Cloud at the moment using CentOS 8. I think I have created the chroot ...
rk92's user avatar
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Using VirtualBox, can I assign per-VM VPN connections/profiles, specifically in order to use different VPNs on different VMs?

I'd like to run two VMs at the same time on the same host, with each VM connected to a different VPN connection. The host OS in question is Ubuntu, but if there is another OS which would do the job, ...
user3.1415927's user avatar
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Linux VM not accessible on local network

I have a Linux VM in Hyper-V that's only accessible from outside the local network. SSH and HTTP and what not works just fine when port forwarded, but on the local network, it rejects everything, ...
Stian Mykland's user avatar
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Set working directory in `VBoxManage guestcontrol run`

I'm using: VBoxManage guestcontrol "Windows 10" --username "john" run "Z:\\path\\to\\bin.exe" The command gets executed but I need to run it in a specified directory. ...
Pedro L.'s user avatar
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Is it possible to run a VM without actually enabling virtualization settings in BIOS?

I am trying to launch a VM with QEMU KVM on a Linux system but I am unable to actually make it work. It just doesn't start. But I figured out that I need to enable virtualization from BIOS settings to ...
user3271961's user avatar
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How to remote access Virtualbox on a headless linux server

This is not a real question but I rather want to put this here in order to document it as there is a lot of contradicting information in the web. When you run Virtualbox on a headless linux server, ...
onemarcfifty's user avatar
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Measuring network bandwidth usage

One VM is sending data to another VM using rsync, both VMs are hosted on the same machine. I've got the task to measure the network bandwidth usage between both VMs and plot it. Plotting is easy once ...
user14610638's user avatar
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Is it possible to ping to an interface that is a part of a Linux bridge?

My goal is to connect a virtual machine A with a virtual machine C through a virtual machine B that has two interfaces. When I create a bridge on these two interfaces I can ping A<-->C but I ...
user6758's user avatar
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can a single machine server run 2 OS independantly?

In order to maintain up a cad+print (windows) server, and an all-the-other things debian server, I was wondering if it was possible and what was the best way to do it ? Containers/VMs/KVMs ? Would it ...
anononono9444's user avatar
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Minecraft server constantly crashing [closed]

I tried to make a VM instance on the Google cloud platform for my Minecraft server. But It's constantly crashing after a few hours. It says that I don't have enough memory but I think I allocated more ...
Jakub Rollo's user avatar
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SSH Public Key Authentication denied

I am trying to connect to a virtual machine via SSH. I can login to an account with a password. I created another user without a password, generated a ssh key on my host machine (Windows), and placed ...
Gicu Mironica's user avatar
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How do I manage xen-hypervisor using virt-manager client?

I've installed xen-hypervisor 4.11 on my debian 10 desktop. But, when I add xen connection to my virt-manager it shows this error. Unable to connect to libvirt xen:///. Failed to connect socket to '/...
SomeGuyAtStackExchange's user avatar
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Google Cloud Compute Engine VMs with Alpine Linux

How to create GCE image with Alpine Linux that can be used to create GCE VMs?
Igor Dvorzhak's user avatar
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How to simulate a remote server that has a different public IP address?

I'm trying to set up 2 remote servers, each connected to the internet through their dedicated ISP router. In order to self-host email+web services and many more. My goal is to make them able to DNS ...
dockerwonderer's user avatar
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How to reduce KVM qcow2 disk size?

When I boot in my guest Debian it says it size is 2.7G. df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on udev 718M 0 718M 0% /dev tmpfs 147M 6.2M 141M 5% /run /...
user574429's user avatar
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Error: IO error: lock /home/admin/chain/LOCK: Resource temporarily unavailable

After logging into my Azure linux vm through ssh. I cd Error: IO error: lock /home/admin_dennis/.hsd/chain/LOCK: Resource temporarily unavailable
Ukonu Dennis's user avatar
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Web Server Security Strategy

I was hacked yesterday and so I've been thinking all day how I could make my system secure. I'm thinking of doing setting up a hypervisor that runs a few VM's. The architecture I have in mind is ...
vaid's user avatar
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Strategies to compare between 2 virtual machines

I am writing a set of codes with Ansible/Terraform to deploy the same VM which I am already deploying using Bash scripts that interact with VMWare (vSphere 5.5) API. I have searched around how I ...
Ricardo Silva's user avatar
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Cannot delete a virtual machine

I created a VM in France Central but the creation has failed because of: "Error: Code="AllocationFailed" Message="Allocation failed. We do not have sufficient capacity for the requested VM size in ...
ldangela's user avatar
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Do I need UFW in a Linux VM in Azure?

Access to Azure VMs are controlled by the "Network Security Group" (NSG) settings. I am in the process of setting up a Linux VM with a public IP on Azure and would like to know whether the NSG ...
András Aszódi's user avatar
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Why are GPUs accessible from docker containers running on Linux hosts, but not on Windows or MacOS hosts?

Recent versions of docker (or any version of nvidia-docker) allow direct(?) access to the host GPU from within docker containers, with full access to CUDA APIs. This is very convenient when deploying ...
Will's user avatar
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How do I capture packets on a Linux VM in a VMware environment?

I've got a Linux server that is a VM running on ESXi 6.7. We're running into some network trouble with it, and I'm trying to use tcpdump to capture traffic on the VM itself, but I'm getting only the ...
le_jawa's user avatar
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