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Can you use virsh to reset vm id sequence? [duplicate]

Question in regards to "Id" for running VMs, using virsh running local Qemu VMs. command virsh list will bring up a list of the current running VMs defined, eg,  Id Name State  --------------...
account404's user avatar
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Fedora does not boot when it is installed / virtualized using virt-manager and later booted using the qemu parameters (using /dev/sdd as disk)

I'm on Debian 11 (where I'm using the default qemu version 5.2) and I'm trying to boot Fedora 37 using the following qemu commands : /usr/bin/./qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -m 8G -machine q35,accel=...
Marietto's user avatar
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0 answers

How to create a shared Disk with the image stored on Host in KVM?

I am currently trying to setup a disk, using the raw img format on the host, which is then shared between multiple guest VMs (which are running Alpine Linux), using the libvirt / KVM virtualization ...
Apoorv Pal's user avatar
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Is there anyway I can run an arm64 VM using Cockpit on a amd64 machine?

I am currently facing a challenge with integrating Cockpit on my AMD64 machine for managing both AMD64 and ARM64 virtual machines. I have successfully run an ARM64 machine on my AMD64 machine using ...
aggarcia's user avatar
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How to convert virtual machine images to bootable OS installation?

I have a virtual machine installed in QEMU. I want to migrate this machine and use it as base machine. Query I have is that it is possible, and if yes will simple converting .img to .iso and burning ...
Ayush Gupta's user avatar
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Get network access from my virtual machine with qemu and Debian Host

I have a (hopefully) simple problem. I try to configure my host system to route network traffic through one physical network interface. Here is my setup: I have an ethernet interface (eth0) and i have ...
Christian Nill's user avatar
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How do I test my Proxmox VM Guest's Watchdog? (Windows 10 VM)

My Proxmox (Qemu) uses the i6300esb watchdog device driver. Windows shows the Watchdog Timer device under Device Manager. How do I test this? I tried disabling the watchdog device but nothing happened ...
Jacob Bruinsma's user avatar
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KVM start failed (ubuntu image)

KVM start failing after I have made the below changes. Environment:- qemu-img version 2.1.3 ubuntu VM 1. Stop the VM 2. qemu-img resize vm1.img +50G 3. start the VM virsh start vm1 error: failed to ...
Ekam's user avatar
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How to enable external access to the Virtual machine on private link?

I would like to benchmark virtual networking of KVM-QEMU. For this purpose, I connect two servers (server 1, and server 2) with one wire. I use server 1 to run the QEMU VM and I want to access this VM ...
Mehrshad's user avatar
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Why do you need serial port connection between QEMU guest and host?

I am new to qemu. I was exploring some commands to setup qemu VM. Can someone please explain why serial ports are required/desired between guest and the host? Also, what does '-serial pty' and -'...
Divija Gogineni's user avatar
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How to ensure that the changes in domain XML spec in libvirt takes effect?

I followed this host port forward with qemu through libvirt in user-mode networking answer to accomplish a certain task but it was only after a reboot that the ports were actually accessible. I tried ...
Akashdeep Dhar's user avatar
2 votes
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Migrate a QEMU/KVM VM from qemu:///system to qemu:///session

I have a created a Windows 10 VM using virt-manager as user (not root). However, when try to list the VMs with virsh list --all, My VM is not listed? And, if I specify the system URI with by running ...
Adel M.'s user avatar
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Can ssh into Ubuntu 20.04 virtual machine but domifaddr shows no IP

I created an Ubuntu 20.04 virtual machine following this guide. I am able to ssh into the virtual machine using the IP address I wrote in the network-config file, i.e.,, however, when ...
os_user's user avatar
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win10 vm crashes Debian host on install

using qemu kvm virtual machine manager gui HOST: current debian bulleye VMs that work: Any linux distro tried, WinXP, but lags a little. Windows 10 boots to spinning windows logo, Install begins. As ...
3900W's user avatar
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How can I forward ports in user-mode QEMU without conflicts?

I'm running Linux under QEMU as part of a test suite for a Python script that does some privileged operations. Running a full virtual machine is important to me, because: I do not want to require ...
Chris Hunt's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

avoid redundant writing of virus scan signatures in VMs on same disk [closed]

I have two VMs on the same disk that each have clamav installed. Both regularly run updates for the same virus scan signatures simultaneously which results in an unnecessary strain on the performance ...
schf1919's user avatar
1 vote
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Is pausing/suspending VM into memory for long periods (months) recommended?

I am running KVM with some Ubuntu VM's as guest machines. The guest machines contain an application that does not need to be run most of the time, but once every few months, there are unexpected, ...
user3667125's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Proxmox & Packer: VM quit/powerdown failed during a Packer build. Anyone have any ideas why?

I am trying to create a Proxmox VM template using Packer. However I am getting a Proxmox error saying Build 'proxmox' errored: Error converting VM to template, could not stop: VM quit/powerdown failed ...
Eddingston's user avatar
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qemu-system_x86-64 can you add a physical hard disk to a virtual machine without being root

As it is on the title I want to add a physical partition to my VM without having root privilege. Is it possible from Linux and how should I do this by using only qemu-system_x86-64 ??
xala's user avatar
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9 votes
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QEMU - incorrect real disk size of a virtual drive

df and ls report different sizes on my host machine because of the difference between the allocated size and the amount of space that's actually used in the EXT4 filesystem. The problem is that both ...
user3125731's user avatar
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Error: "you need at least 8.6GB disk space to install SecurityOnion, This computer has only 2 GB"

required disk size is more than 8GB But got only 2GB In GNS3 I imported securityonion- image as new qemu vm, not as existing qemu vm. These is no where an option to change/choose enough ...
reddi hari's user avatar
2 votes
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RHel 7 converted with qemu-img fails with dracut error at boot

I'll have to migrate several computers from Hyper-V to VmWare. I would like to use qemu-img because is command line and I could create an script. Conversion works fine for Windows but is not working ...
Uh Trog's user avatar
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KVM gets stuck at “Booting from ROM”

I created I a ubuntu 16.04 vm with a kickstart file using the following xml <domain type="kvm"> <name>""" + name + """</name> <memory unit='GB'>1</memory> <vcpu>1&...
nadermx's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Qemu TRIM and discard on a physical SSD device

I am running Windows 7 in a Qemu/KVM with a passed through GPU which I use for work-related stuff. I recently got fed up by it's unprecedented slowness due to it running off a mechanical drive, so I ...
nohupper's user avatar
1 vote
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Host to guest connection via SSH (using qemu vm)

I am having trouble to enable a host-to-guest communication using qemu VMs. The goal is to connect via SSH from the host to the guest VM. I have the following setting: host: local access to SSH ...
Zee Age's user avatar
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10 votes
5 answers

How to add virtual storage as SSD in KVM

Being previously a VirtualBox user, I moved to KVM(QEMU/libvirt or whatever it's called) recently. I know that in VirtualBox, when you add a new storage device to the VM, there is a checkbox labeled ...
zypA13510's user avatar
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Rasbian(ARM) in Qemu emulator with Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init [closed]

I am using qemu 2.6.0 on my ubuntu 14.04 x86_64 PC. But it fails with a kernel panic error. I want to emulate rasbian -- A Linux destro based on ARM Debian for Raspberry Pi. Here's the settings when ...
dotslash's user avatar
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virsh qemu kvm editing xml has no effect

When I try to add a network section to a kvm/qemu xml, the xml wont update with the information. When I edit the uuid, or make a mistake, i get an error. if i change the memory amount, it reverts to ...
noob's user avatar
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Serial communication between QEMU host and guest

I'm trying to set up a pair of serial ports between my QEMU host (Debian Jessie x86_64) and guest (also Debian Jessie, but on ARM). Everything except the serial port part works. I'm really new to ...
walle's user avatar
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KVM top shows high CPU load on host for windows7 guest though windows is on idle

we have an virtualization environment with actually 4 VMs (2 x linux, 1 x w2k3, 1 x win7). In the host system (Debian Jessie) top always shows a CPU load of 30-70% (or more) for the qemu process of ...
Hans Böhm's user avatar
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KVM: Need multiple Virtual Machines to share a VLAN'ed interface

I'm not sure how to configure my Linux server which has a single VLAN'ed interface to support a number of Virtual machines which I want to bridge to my network (so that all their services appear to ...
Mike S's user avatar
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Remove Hardware Support From Qemu [closed]

I am currently experimenting with Qemu 2.4.1 and I'd like the support for few hardware to be removed. Say like USB/Mouse/SoundCard etc. While I was tinkering with the source code, I was able to ...
omeganebula's user avatar
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Running a virtual machine remotely; connect it to the local network

The scenario is as follows: I have a virtual machine remotely, e.g. on a server somewhere in a data center, and I connect to it from my laptop on a restricted network (only tcp 80 and 443 are open). ...
Luc's user avatar
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Set custom cpu string for qemu/kvm

I have some virtual machines with software, which licensing check depends on cpu string. They're running on kvm - with default cpu string value - which is QEMU Virtual CPU version 1.7.1 After ...
undefine's user avatar
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Qemu+libvirt+kvm significant performance lag in VM's

I am troubleshooting poor performance on our new VM host machine which is a Dell PowerEdge R415 with hardware RAID. We've got about 20 VM's running like this: qemu-system-x86_64 \ -enable-kvm \ ...
T.K.'s user avatar
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CentOS Qemu+KVM lot of virtual machine processes

I am on host-machine with Centos 6.5, qemu+KVM and 2 virtual hosts in it (behind NAT). Both virtual hosts were configured with Virtual Machine Manager (one of them is with Windows 2003 and other with ...
tester3's user avatar
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11 votes
5 answers

How can I change Qemu KVM machine architecture from 440fx to q35 with virsh edit or virt-manager

Still trying to get GPU passthrough working and decided to change machine type from older 440fx to q35 ie pc-q35 but if I do virsh edit on the config it refuse to save saying "PCI Bridges not ...
htfree's user avatar
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Linux Red Hat Resize VM resize2fs - Couldn't find valid filesystem superblock

I'm trying to increase the size of a Linux Red Hat Virtual Machine by 10Gig. This is just on a Test Server I created that I'm trying to figure out. I increased the VM by 10 gig with this command [...
zhouse28's user avatar
4 votes
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How to list all devices emulated in a QEMU virtual machine?

I have created a VM with the below command in qemu with KVM enabled. qemu-kvm -m 1024 -enable-kvm -hda /var/lib/libvirt/images/fedora.img I would like to know the exact devices that are emulated for ...
kumar's user avatar
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Bridging is breaking the server: KVM configuration

I'm pretty new to networking and just can't get my head around this. I'm trying to setup KVM-Qemu so I can run some virtual machines. The instructions I'm following are telling me to use eth0 and ...
Nugget's user avatar
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Qemu - Disk Type, SATA Controller Questions

This is not so much of a question asking for an answer as it is just looking for an explanation. Imagine the following scenario. I have a Windows 7 Laptop, Dell Precicion M4500 series, with an SSD ...
Jones's user avatar
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Disable TCP checksum offloading on KVM virtual network

I have a virtual network for connecting KVM guests with the host. I need to disable TCP checksum offloading on this network. The ethtool works fine but I want to disable it permanently and I could ...
jackhab's user avatar
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Implementing hardware virtualization for custom hardware

When using QEMU/KVM there are certain network adapters that are supported and emulated. If one wanted to emulate the guest OS's original network adapter (e.g - a Broadcom interface that was present on ...
Bubo's user avatar
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KVM virtual machine boot messages

Just wondering if anyone knows of a way to stop the following boot messages with a centos 6.5 vm created with qemu-kvm When I start the vm there is a slight delay as the vm posts the following boot ...
Brent's user avatar
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qemu-system-x86_64w.exe : could not open disk image D:\img.img: Permission denied

I'm trying to use qemu on Windows (8), because I have to emulate an USB mass storage device (VirtualBox still doesn't handle USB3 which my computer only have .. and if I could have qemu working it ...
u91317's user avatar
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Is it possible to create an equivalent environment of a KVM guest using QEMU for Windows?

I have a KVM guest in a datacenter that is my production server for a service I am developing. I would like to create an equivalent virtual environment on my Windows machine so I can be sure that ...
Roderick Fanning's user avatar
19 votes
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understanding relationship between Qemu and KVM

What is the difference between KVM and Qemu? As I understand, latter is able to provide "user mode emulation" which means that one can run a single executable built for some other architecture like ...
Martin's user avatar
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Host Websites on Virtual IP VMs

I have Proxmox Virtulization server installed. But i have one real(Public) IP. Incoming request to Proxmox server must be bind Virtualized servers. Dnsmasq installed in Proxmox Virtualization Server. ...
user avatar
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Set Mac Address in QEMU/KVM properties file

I'm trying to set the mac address for my virtual machine in the virtual machine properties file. The properties file '102.conf' currently looks like this: name: bootdisk: ide0 ostype:...
Joel Kennedy's user avatar
6 votes
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Maximizing throughput of virtual file systems

I've been using a QEMU system to build software. The problem I've been having is that the system seems to suffer from extremely slow disk access. This is not necessarily a problem as it's not really a ...
amphetamachine's user avatar