Questions tagged [virtual-machines]

A virtual machine (VM) is a completely isolated guest operating system installation within a normal host operating system. It is a software implementation of a machine (i.e. a computer) that executes programs like a physical machine.

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7 votes
6 answers

Best way to "virtualize" existing system?

I have a fully patched, pristine Windows XP box and would like to create virtual machines that have the exact same setup, OS and software - just differ in disk size, available RAM. The virtual ...
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1 vote
1 answer

Several keyboard keys not working in VMWare (Host=Linux, Guest=Windows)

I installed VMWare Server 2.0 on Ubuntu 8.* and 9.*, with Windows XP as the guest system, and several keys aren't working. They either do nothing, or invoke the wrong keypress. They keys are all ...
Neil's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Linux Kernel Virtual Machines

I've been running KVM for a few of the management servers at work, I've actually been very happy with it all around, and now want to move to the next phase, and deploy some heavy services (data-mining,...
khosrow's user avatar
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8 answers

virtualization question

I am setting up a multiple machine environment on my Vista box to save additional H/W cost. And I plan to use Microsoft virtualization technologies. I am using Windows Vista x86 Enterprise as host ...
George2's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

All sub-domains to one IP in hosts file?

I've got a VirtualBox VM running with host-only networking. This VM is running Apache, and I want to setup a bunch of name-based virtual hosts in it that can be accessed from the web browser on the ...
Apreche's user avatar
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7 votes
13 answers

Suggestion for a simple LDAP server and client

Trying to set up a headless LDAP server on a linux virtual machine (vmware). Small scope, but needs to be reliable and easy to use. Strong preference for simplicity over features, command-line over ...
sangretu's user avatar
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2 votes
6 answers

Can a Virtual HDD be shrink down?

I have a Virtual machine and i am using VMWare Workstation to run it. The vmdk file, which is the virtual hard drive, is in excess of 40GB. When i start the virtual Machine i can see that i have only ...
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2 votes
2 answers

Windows XP Freeze on Bootup

Every time I boot my minimal-install Windows XP virtual machine it takes 70 seconds of me looking at my windows desktop before I can actually use my mouse and/or do anything. Is there a way I can fix ...
Nate's user avatar
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6 votes
6 answers

Is it possible to have a Single Anti-virus program for many VMs?

Sorry if I am asking a dumb question. Generally We use a physical server and create multiple virtual machines on that.(I am addressing the most simplest scenario) The operating systems and the ...
Chathuranga Chandrasekara's user avatar
13 votes
11 answers

Any way to run Linux as a Virtual Machine on top of Windows so can have best of both worlds?

Since Linux has a lot of useful tools, while Windows has a lot of apps (like Chrome), instead of buying another machine to run Linux, is there a way to run it as a Virtual Machine on the PC? The ...
0 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to set a permanent MAC address for a VMWare virtual machine?

I have some software running on a Windows virtual machine. I am using VMWare as the virtualization technology. The problem comes in with the software's activation / registration. The company who ...
Aaron K's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

How do the Hyper-V machines get identical IPs even the physical machine has only 1 Network interface?

In windows 2008 we can have multiple Hyper-V instances on the same physical machine. Generally that machine has only 1 network interface. (I assume 1 card with 1 MAC Address). Then how do the Hyper-V ...
Chathuranga Chandrasekara's user avatar
1 vote
8 answers

Easy to use server 'virtualization' software

I'm about to order a fresh server and I'd like to do some virtualizing on the server so that I can have "Virtual Dedicated' servers, what application would be recomended as an easy to user and ...
Unkwntech's user avatar
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6 answers

Windows 7 x64 - free virtual machine host applications running headless

Given a machine configured with : Windows 7 64 bit a CPU that DOESN'T support the Intel hardware virtualization Are there any free, non-time-sensitive virtual machine hosts that can host either 32 ...
p.campbell's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

VMWare Server 2.0 auto start VM

I have a production server running vmware server 2.0. I want one of the VM's (company intranet) to power on automatically if the host server is rebooted. I searched online and found references to an ...
John Virgolino's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How do I install Office 2003 SP 1 on a virtual machine?

When I try to install the office 2003 SP 1 (or 2 or 3) on a Virtual PC (2007) instance (using XP as OS) I get the message that it cannot get installed because Office 2003 is not installed. But of ...
1 vote
2 answers

Windows 7 Virtual PC BSOD

I have a problem with Win7 & VirtualPC - every time I start up a virtual machine, it appears to start fine, and then about 10 seconds into the boot process, my laptop either BSOD's or just hangs. ...
Scott Ivey's user avatar
-1 votes
4 answers

Feasability of running a Virtual Network [closed]

I used to run an Active Directory domain on my home network, but have since migrated back to a plain old Workgroup. However, since my job is in .NET software development, I'd like to be able to work ...
swilliams's user avatar
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19 votes
5 answers

Can a VMWare Server 2.0 virtual machine be "unvirtualized" to physical hardware?

We have a number of VMWare Server 2.0 virtual machines that were created using VMWare Converter (It copies a physical machine to a virtual machine). If we need to convert the virtual machine back to a ...
Jonathon Watney's user avatar
9 votes
6 answers

Ubuntu inside VirtualBox is slow [closed]

I am running an Ubuntu instance on VirtualBox inside XP. Here are the details: Host: Windows XP Pro Guest: Ubuntu 8.10 Total RAM: 3GB RAM For VM: 1GB Total Video Memory: 128MB Video Memory for VM: ...
Kapsh's user avatar
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2 answers

Hosting one app on 2 virtual machines that are located on a single machine-- any problem?

I have a web application, it's hosted across two different virtual machines, and it happens that the two virtual machines are located on a single machine. All of the three physical machine, virtual ...
Graviton's user avatar
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3 answers

Using COM ports with Virtual Server

I have a couple of servers that I'd like to duplicate as guest instances in virtualserver. One of the applications that runs on them uses the COM ports to communicate between the two servers, and ...
BIBD's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

How to run OS X (Leopard or Tiger) in Windows?

Is there a way to run Mac OS X (Leopard or Tiger) in Windows on a virtual machine? I have 2 GB of RAM and a 2 GHz processor. My processor is an 32-bit AMD, but I don't think this will matter because ...
Kredns's user avatar
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7 votes
5 answers

Portable Virtual Machine Recommendation?

I want to set-up a virtual machine on a pen drive, but I don't know what VM software might be portable or if it's possible to run virtual machine software without installation. Just for starters, it ...
Click Ok's user avatar
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3 answers

How do I convert a VMWare file to VirtualBox?

I want to take an existing VMWare virtual machine and run it in VirtualBox 2.2+. Is there any utility to do this?
Brett Veenstra's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

What should be considered when purchasing a virtual machine set up?

I've been asked for an opinion about a purchase of a blade server that should be used for running virtual machines. I have very little experience in this, so what things should be considered in terms ...
Spoike's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

What would be a barely-adequate portable virtual machine?

I want set up a virtual machine on a thumb drive and load it down with tools for repairing borked Windows installations. I figure i need just enough to piggy-back on the machine's installed drivers '...
Shog9's user avatar
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3 votes
7 answers

How to improve Hyper-V performance

I have a windows 2008 (RC2) server running Hyper-V with all of my company's virtual machines. Most of the machines are used to run Continues integration and test environment. Although each machine ...
Dror Helper's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

What are pros and cons for using Virtual Machines to manage desktops?

VMs are great for many development tasks but can you use them to 'manage' desktops? I'm thinking of setting up some systems so that they can only execute a VM at startup. This seems like a good way to ...
Arnold Spence's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Configuring RAID on a VM Host for best performance of multiple Virtual Machines

What is the best way to configure disks in a VMWare server that will be hosting multiple machines? A single RAID 5 array hosting multiple VMs would provide good throughput but means all VMs are ...
DrStalker's user avatar
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