Questions tagged [virtualization]

Virtualization is a group of software technologies that allow abstraction between layers of a system. This allows separation between the logical layers of the system, providing isolation, flexibility, and/or the ability to run more than one at a time. This differs from most traditional systems where the various layers are inherently tied.

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Apache2 virtual host redirection issue on Chrome

I am having an extremely bizarre issue that seems only present on Chrome, IE and Firefox are fine. I have 2 website being served by 1 IP address, I have 2 identical files in sites-available named ...
user223225's user avatar
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Microsoft Hyper-V: Terminal Server best practice?

We have an environment with maybe 150 users. The users have thin clients and connect to various terminal servers. We just replaced all of the old server 2008 terminal server vms with nice new server ...
d34db33f's user avatar
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How can I stop Freenas from assigning two disks from different SATA controllers the same device number?

I have Freenas running in a VM in XCP-NG. I've followed the guides and I've dedicated a SATA controller to it using PCI-passthrough. Freenas correctly discovers its boot disk, which is virtual, and ...
Colin's user avatar
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Erase GPU memory

We have Nvidia GPU cards that can be used by different users in an OpenStack environment. A first user creates a VM with access to a GPU card, then deletes the VM when done. Another user then creates ...
J. Chorin's user avatar
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QEMU versatilepb default network adapter

I'm using qemu to emulate a raspberry pi. I'm starting qemu like this: qemu-system-arm -kernel ./qemu-rpi-kernel/kernel-qemu-4.1.13-jessie \ -cpu arm1176 -m 256 -M versatilepb \ -append "...
Tom's user avatar
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Libvirt & USB Hub Passthrough

I have a virtual machine which I wish to have a USB Hub and all of its devices allocated to a virtual machine. The Hub in question is a USB hub which itself is plugged into one of the ports on the ...
Ryan Walmsley's user avatar
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How can I provide services to an internal air-gapped extranet

Background - "Extranet" We have about a dozen users that are on what I would call an Extranet. It is an air-gapped LAN that is physically in the same location as our primary LAN. We share ...
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(Virtual) Windows Server console: Black screen

When connecting to our virtual Windows 2003 Server (SBS 2003 SP2) via a normal RDP session, everything works fine. However, when connecting with /admin to get to the console session, the following ...
Heinzi's user avatar
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Nested VM in XenServer

I am new to XenServer. I am having problems getting nested VM to work in my environment. Here is my scenario: I got XenServer 7.6.0 (Free version) running on a bare metal box (SuperServer 1028R-WC1R)....
mprogrammer87's user avatar
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Connect from Windows host to QEMU inside Docker

I am trying to establish a connection between Windows 10 running Docker container (Linux), which runs QEMU to host a QNX OS. This picture should make it more clear: Structure I would like to ...
Kamai's user avatar
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Hypervisor support for vGPU + VM suspend?

Short version - how well do current hypervisors support vGPU with VM suspend/resume capability? Longer version: I've used VMware Workstation for many years in my home lab, with the GPU (used for ...
Stilez's user avatar
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Do I need to create multiple filesystems on a virtual server to increase I/O performance?

I want to install Oracle on a virtual server. I don't really know the technology behind, my company just gave me a virtual server with multiple (virtual) disks. I have the possibility to divide those ...
Pierre's user avatar
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Is SQL Server AlwaysOn in VM cluster not needed?

We have many SQL Server instances virtualized in Hyper-V and participating in AlwaysOn group. I don't know particular reasons behind decisions that led to this setup. This week I interviewed 15 ...
v.karbovnichy's user avatar
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Automatic on premise server deployment

I'm new to automatic deployment and would like guidance from experts on the the best way to efficiently deploy approximately 75 vms (both windows and linux vms) on 7 vmware esxi 5.5 hosts (All hosts ...
joebegborg07's user avatar
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Creating OVF headless with generated vmdk

I am looking to create an OVF file during a nightly build process. I currently have this process creating a qcow2 image, which I convert to vmdk using qemu. qemu-img convert -f qcow2 ${image_name} -O ...
Shayne's user avatar
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Rebuilding VHD RAID array

We have a Dell PowerEdge R420 with a PERC H710 mini RAID controller card. The server has six physical disks split over two arrays; one RAID-1 array for the OS and one RAID-10 array for the data. This ...
Rich M's user avatar
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Why is an unassigned adapter showing up in vSwitch "Teaming and failover" order?

On two out of three ESXi 6 hosts there is an unused adapter showing up in the Teaming and failover section of a vSwitch even though that adapter is not assigned to the vSwitch (see screenshots below). ...
Matthew's user avatar
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Allowing outbound internet access with NSX while maintaining micro segmentation

I am getting into the world of VMware's NSX product for the purpose of micro segmenting VM's in the datacenter. That is to say, living in the same network space but not being able to talk to one ...
lampwins's user avatar
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Transparently farm processes out to cluster

Situation: At work, we have an in-house tool for data crunching. When a job is triggered, it starts multiple copies of itself in separate processes and communicates with them in order to crunch in ...
Oliver Hawker's user avatar
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Best practice for configureing vmware dv uplink port groups?

I'm creating a distributed virtual switch - each host has 2 physical NIC's each of which will map to an uplink port. I want to create uplink port groups so i can set up NIC teaming, I wanted to know ...
samcooper11's user avatar
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Autostart VM on Witsbits (ClearVM) Server

I am setting up few VMs on my Witsbits (ClearVM) server. They are easy to setup and manage but... I would like to start VM together with the server. The management interface allows for manual ...
Jakub's user avatar
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Image build system that derives from a base Windows 8.1 image

For our VDI deployment, we have several Windows 8.1 images for target groups that require different suites of applications. The current update procedure requires us to update the OS on each ...
Belmin Fernandez's user avatar
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TCP Connection Issue Between Linux Machine and VMWare Windows Server

I have a TCP connection issue as follows. The setup: VMWare Virtual Machine: Windows Server 2008 R2 DataCenter SP1, IP:, DG: Host Machine: Windows 7 Professional SP1, IP: ...
user3416108's user avatar
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Can I convert a physical non-bootable sata volume to a VHD image for mounting in a VM as 2nd volume?

I'm converting physical machines in the office to virtual machines using Disk2vhd, and it doesn't list the second physical hard drive that is in one of the physical machines. Does that mean I cannot ...
Korijn's user avatar
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Hypervisor The operation cannot be performed while the object is in it's current state

I attempted to reboot one of my VMs in the Hyper-V Manager. It's a Centos VM and all of my other centos machines are behaving as they should although I can't get this particular one to boot. I'm a ...
Harry Torry's user avatar
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Virtual Machine IP address type changed from static to dynamic

I am testing VMM in a lab environment, I have one VM host machine with one physical network adapter that has been allocated an IP address in the subnet on a router. I have create ...
Meberem's user avatar
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How to increase CPU core speed of a guest to maximum of Citrix Xenserver Host

There is a Citrix XenServer 5.5 (HP ML370 G5, Xeon 2GHz) on this Server there is a Windows Guest (Windows 2008 R2 x64) under Properties I set 4 CPU Cores with max prio. But if I check with CPU-Z the ...
kockiren's user avatar
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Сan I use IOMMU for VT-d to give each virtual machine one at a time GPU?

If I use VMWare with 4 virtual-machines and 4 GPUs (nVidia Quadro/Tesla), then can I give (move) some devices to different virtual-machines for each by a single card? If I have one of these CPU, then ...
Alex's user avatar
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Recompose a VMware vSphere machine without personal application data loss?

Our organization has converted a large percentage of our employees to VDI. Our logic is that we create a master image for each linked-clone pool, dedicate each linked-clone pool to specific purposes (...
Lyle Brown's user avatar
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How to config libvirt network setting about disabling dnsmasq "except-interface=lo"?

Here is the thing. My VMs run with libvirt and use default network libvirt-provide, and I've mad each VM registers its hostname to dnsmasq set by libvirt. so I want to look up its hostname for ...
Chen OT's user avatar
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Debian Squeeze Preseed Installation “The current kernel doesn't support the Logical Volume Manager. You may need to load the lvm-mod module.”

I'm attempting to install Debian Squeeze via an image pre-seeded with more or less default settings. (Only notable addition is the openssh server, which is a clickable option in the ...
Lee Hambley's user avatar
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Route specific network traffic through vpn in virtualbox guest

I am running OSX with a windows server 2008 guest in Virtualbox. My goal is to route some of the network traffic in the host through the server guest. This is because the win2008 server has a VPN ...
Sander's user avatar
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virtual memory commited

After a server bounce happens, and after around 40-45 days time period, we receive continuous “Committed Virtual Memory” alerts which indicates the usage of swap space in the magnitude of >4GB This ...
vinu's user avatar
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Xen and Turbo Boost

Running the Debian Squeeze default Xen, I am unable to get any of the CPU frequency scaling stuff going. As soon as I revert to the standard kernel I get it. Digging through the internet it seems ...
Sam Saffron's user avatar
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Specify IP + guest hostname on a virtual machine (without booting it)

My question is simple but I am not sure if it is possible : Is there a way to specify a custom IP address AND a different hostname before I boot a virtual machine from VMWare Workstation ? (Win 7 or ...
David's user avatar
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How to configure opennebula for allowing a cluster private network to host images with public IPs

I am installing open nebula 3.4.1 for running virtual machines a (kvm based) cluster made of 5 computers: a front-end machine having 2 network interfaces and 4 slaves machines with a single network ...
user1456486's user avatar
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Performance Implications of running multiple Virtual Servers using one base virtual disk?

I tried looking through old questions, but couldn't find one that hit this exact question. In VmWare's documentation on Snapshots, they mention utilizing them for a "process tree" setup. This would ...
HostBits's user avatar
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xend doesn't bring up the vif interfaces

I'm trying working with Xen and I've tryed to build up a virtual machine in domU. I'm using the following configuration for the domU kernel = '/media/home_separata/domU_kernel/boot/vmlinuz-linux' ...
Giorgio Mossa's user avatar
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With CentOS 6 and LXC, "ifconfig" is unable to see network interface (but busybox "ifconfig" works fine)

I've just started working with LXC under CentOS 6 (via the libvirt adapter). If I create an LXC container, I'm unable to see any network interfaces when using the native system tools: # ifconfig -a #...
larsks's user avatar
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Exchange Failover causes .ost issues - hownto avoid

Using virtual machine for running exchange and backing it up with a mirror virtual machine in case of failure. During testing of failover and fallback We run into an issue when we fail over the local ...
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Deploy multiple applications in Cherokee and distinguish them by port?

I am having an issue on deploying applications with Cherokee web server. The thing is I need to host various Django applications in the same machine and distinguish each one by ports (i.e. app1 in ...
Jose Luis Patiño's user avatar
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Is there any simple, free tool to track VM dependancies to linked-clones in VMWare?

We have a few "base installations" of various OS environments that we use to create linked clones in VMware Workstation. Sometimes, to save space and because speed is of secondary importance, those ...
SClark's user avatar
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nginx howto correct the path from a back-end server redirect response under a virtual directory

The following was my deployed servers: client ------ nginx proxy( ------ back-end server( The nginx proxy's external URL was configured under a virtual directory http://...
noname's user avatar
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How do I configure a guest VM's static IP address automatically in Citrix XenServer?

To facilitate automation of guest VM provisioning, how do I set (in a script) the IP address on a guest VM's NIC (or NIC's) once a new VM has booted? Is there a way to "inject" netsh commands via the ...
Kev's user avatar
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How to create an Amazon AMI with HVM from scratch?

All the instructions I find online start with an existing AMI, but I would like to create an AMI from scratch using HVM instead of PV. Does anyone know the procedure for doing this?
joshu's user avatar
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I can't install windows 64bit on Virtualbox headless

I'm trying to install Windows2008r2 64bit on a Ubuntu 12.04 64bit host. After created the VM (with --ostype windows2008_64 I boot up the installation iso but windows says: Attempting to load a 64-bit ...
Kreker's user avatar
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VMWare and Turnkey Linux appliance can't access network

I have a VMWare ESXi cluster running many Windows and Linux VMs perfectly. I have installed the Turnkey Linux Redmine appliance, and am having a lot of trouble getting the networking to work properly....
Neil's user avatar
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Connect (create ethernet link) between two VMs using their assigned SR-IOV Virtual Functions (VFs)

I have two KVM virtual machines created on RHEL9. I partitioned an SR-IOV-capable Physical NIC such that I was able to get Virtual NICs (Virtual Functions) from it. For each VM, I assigned it a VF. ...
Mo Fatty's user avatar
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Is it possible to install and use Dokku on a server that already has Apache2 configured with VirtualHosts running?

Posted this on StackOverflow, but realized it probably belongs here: I have a Ubuntu (now upgrading it to 22.04) server that runs several virtual hosts with php applications. I'd like to run a couple ...
simonelippolis's user avatar
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qemu-kvm snapshot creations are extremely slow after a few first fast ones

Could anyone help me on this please? behavior I'm running several VMs with qemu-kvm and when creating some first few snapshots of a running VM, they are created super fast (roughly 10 seconds). ...
steffres's user avatar
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