
It possible to backup Oracle database 10g Enterprise edition release using Veeam? If not what about NetBackup? Any recommendations please?

Best Regards, Dav

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  • Thanks for your response on this Symcbean. Does that mean Veeam can do the job for this version without corrupting the database files in case of restore?
    – Dav T
    Sep 17 at 20:46

1 Answer 1


I believe proper support for Oracle backups arrived in v12.

Backing up a database is different from backing up a filesystem and different from backing up a block device. If you just backup the database files then the DBMS will be upset when you try to start it using restored files and will need to repair the data. You may lose data.

OTOH any version of veeam should be happy to backup rman files (or block devices containing rman files) which can then be restored.

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