This tag should be used for questions about Intel based server platforms, software and others related specifically to hardware and software from the Intel Corporation.

Intel Corporation is an American multinational semiconductor chip maker corporation headquartered in Santa Clara, California, United States. Intel is the inventor of the x86 processor architecture and makes central processing units, motherboard chipsets, graphic processing units, network interface controllers and much more devices related to communications and computing.

In addition to their hardware offerings Intel also produces a variety of software including compilers, libraries for mathematical computation(Intel MKL), threading(OpenMP, Intel Performance Primatives, Threading Building Blocks), parallel communication(MPI,OFED/True Scale Infiniband Stack) and several other products included in the Intel Parallel Studio toolkit. In addition to these offerings which are widely used in HPC Intel also produces software for datacenter management, is one of the most prolific contributors to the Linux kernel, and powers over 70% of the fastest computers on the planet.

This tag should be used for questions about Intel hardware and software, specifically when used on server systems.

For more information about Intel, visit their homepage:

(note this is borrowed from the Stackoverflow Intel tag but the information is applicable)