I would like to make a key exchange for a symmetric key from the client to the server with the NTRU Prime algorithm (for test reasons). I already installed OpenSSH 9.1 on both sides and checked already if everything is working (connection, key exchange part of it etc.). It is. However, I am not sure how I do exactly key exchange. I did not find much on the internet or the man pages. I only found this command:

ssh -oKexAlgorithms=+"[email protected]" user@server

which, If I understood it right, uses a specific algorithm for key exchange. However, after using it I got only an SSH connection but wasn't able to do any key exchange.

1 Answer 1


In simple terms, SSH first uses a key exchange algorithm to securely exchange a symmetric key, which is used in encrypting the connection.

Add the option "-v" to your command and you'll see all the gory details of establishing a ssh connection. Look for a line containing "kex: algorithm:" showing you the actual key exchange algorithm used.

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